She is a Mother, Support here cause - She gave birth to the nation.

Know About us

Big Family 360: Empowering Vulnerable populations through sustainable innovation.

Big Family 360 is a non-profit organization providing integrated social services to Women, Youth and Vulnerable Children who are victims of insurgency, survivors of gender-based violence, child abuse and neglect.

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Ensuring Accessible Education for All

Our goal is to make education available for everyone, recognizing that access to quality education is a fundamental right and a cornerstone for individual and societal development. We are dedicated to breaking down the barriers that prevent children, youth, and adults from accessing educational opportunities. Through our various programs, we aim to provide scholarships, build schools, supply learning materials, and train teachers in underserved communities. We also focus on creating inclusive educational environments that cater to the needs of marginalized groups, including girls, children with disabilities, and those affected by conflict and poverty. By fostering a culture of learning and curiosity, we strive to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed and contribute positively to their communities. Our commitment to education is unwavering, as we believe that it is the key to unlocking potential and driving sustainable development for future generations.

Projects we have done

We are Creating sustainable
developed society, for
everyone and forever.

SmartRR: Gender Based Violence Softwear

One stop shop for GBV and Sexual Health. We are committed to creating a safer, more supportive world for survivors.

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Education Awareness Program

Organized several education awareness programmes in almost every region of Nigeria.

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Livelihood: You & The community

The Big Family 360 Foundation is dedicated to improving the livelihoods of families and communities.

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What we do

Empowering Lives Through Compassionate Support

Our mission is to support and empower these individuals by addressing their immediate needs and fostering long-term recovery and resilience. Through our integrated programs, we provide essential resources, counseling, education, and advocacy.

We strive to create a safe and nurturing environment where every individual can heal, grow, and thrive. Our holistic approach ensures that we not only address the physical and emotional trauma experienced by our beneficiaries but also work towards rebuilding their lives and restoring their dignity.

At Big Family 360, we believe in the power of community and compassion, and we are dedicated to making a meaningful impact in the lives of those we serve.
